March Of Dimes Canada
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Employers & Agencies

Skill Up Your Workforce

Help your employees or clients achieve and succeed.

Partnering with SkillingUp contributes to the professional and personal growth of those looking to build and advance their careers, while deepening your commitment to the inclusion of people with disabilities.

Colleagues laughing at work
Through SkillingUp, current and potential employees can bring invaluable new skills to your workforce — while your organization makes a life-changing impact.
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You can empower people to reach their fullest potential by providing them with the real-world skills needed to enter today’s demanding job market with confidence. As SkillingUp is funded, there isn’t any cost for agencies who partner with us to refer clients. Agencies like yours can seamlessly leverage this program with your existing clients and services.
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Woman being interviewed by an agency

Hiring a SkillingUp Graduate

Bring highly capable, resilient, and resourceful people to your workforce.

SkillingUp graduates are equipped with necessary skills and certification, highly capable, up to date with the latest learning, and dedicated to their success and yours. Find  the SkillingUp graduates you need to help your business succeed. 

Find Skilled Graduates

SkillingUp For Agencies Webinar

2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Join us for a webinar on how the SkillingUp program is an important solution for your agency and your clients.
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SkillingUp For Agencies Webinar

2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Join us for a webinar on how the SkillingUp program is an important solution for your agency and your clients.
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